Closed Loop Design: The Great Recovery

By Jo Dobson

‘The Great Recovery’ is a trail blazing initiative conceived by Useful Simple Projects to promote closed loop design in the manufacturing industry.

Supported by the Technology Strategy Board and now run by the RSA, the Great Recovery seeks to build networks that link designers to scientists, experts, manufacturers and material recyclers through practical demonstration projects around co-creating new systems and businesses.

Led by Director of Design Sophie Thomas, Useful Simple has:

  1. Organised a programme of practical Great Recovery workshops and events that are designed to encourage participants from every part of the product lifecycle to meet, debate and collaborate. They immerse delegates in a number of waste streams and highlight how design and improved business/service models can build a circular economy.
  2. Designed The Great Recovery website and communication tools for the workshops which includes a wealth of practical resources.

Judith Sykes also sits on the project Advisory Group.

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