Horsham District Climate Strategy

Horsham District Council

Useful Project partnered with OnePlanet to co-develop Horsham District’s Climate Action Strategy for carbon neutrality and climate resilience by 2050.

We developed the strategy by first undertaking a detailed baseline analysis. We carried out an assessment of Horsham District’s decarbonisation trajectory using the Net Zero Navigator Tool – a resource originally developed by the Useful Simple Trust in collaboration with other industry stakeholders to enable local authorities to better understand their emissions profile and potential solutions. Then, we undertook a series of interviews and workshops with local council officers and local stakeholders to provide more detailed knowledge of existing challenges and untapped opportunities across the district.

The strategy includes a series of enabling and strategic interventions that will support decarbonisation and climate action both in the short and long term. The Council launched the draft strategy in March 2023 and plans to run a consultation period over the summer.

The detailed strategy is available as both as a report and on the OnePlanet platform. The platform allows for Horsham District to track their progress, support strategies to evolve and identifies linkages to capitalise on. We found this unique blend of consultancy expertise alongside the tailored technology platform made a perfect match to implementing climate action effectively in-line with our company ethos – #GetSetZero.

Featured image of Project: Horsham District Climate Strategy