• Client: Canary Wharf Group
  • Collaborators: SOENECS Ltd
  • Service:
    • Strategy/Routemap
  • Specialism:
    • Circular Economy
  • Sector:
    • Construction & Infrastructure |
    • Estates/Property
  • Status: Complete
Image of Canary Wharf by freepix

Canary Wharf Group (CWG) are responsible for the design, building, management, and operation of the 128-acre Canary Wharf Estate in central London. CWG have an ambitious sustainability vision, part of which includes moving ‘Beyond Zero Waste’, where waste is instead seen as a valuable resource.

CWG commissioned Useful Projects and SOENECS to develop an ambitious Circular Economy Action Plan, targeting all areas of their organisation to establish themselves as leaders in the Circular Economy.

The importance of circularity

Recognising the increasing importance of circularity in legislation and in reaching their carbon targets, CWG commissioned Useful Projects and SOENECS to develop a Circular Economy action plan to reduce their virgin resource use and hence avoiding the associated greenhouse gas emissions and other impacts associated with material extraction and production.

This will enable them to circulate products and materials, keeping them at their highest value for as long as possible, whilst regenerating nature.

The Action Plan set out a clear circular vision for CWG to become a fully circular neighbourhood and set out a series of goals over the next seven years for them to achieve this vision. Internal development of the Action Plan was influenced by the facilitation of employee workshops where we identified key Circular Economy opportunities across the organisation.

Implementing action

Opportunities for construction, operations and events and residential leasing were identified. Based on these sessions, opportunities were refined to set a clear timeline of short-, medium-, and long-term actions to achieve CWG’s vision to become a fully circular neighbourhood.

Following best practice guidance, and responding to local and national policy, we defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and identified relevant tools to help CWG monitor their annual progress against the vision. We also set out a clear governance structure assigning responsibility for delivering the Action Plan.

This Plan will position CWG ahead of the curve, ensuring that they are leading on circular thinking and practices. They are currently in the process of implementing these actions within their organisation.

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