Through her background in mechanical engineering, she has developed strong skills in problem solving, data analysis, resourcefulness, and systems thinking. Kate has over 6 years’ experience working on a variety of projects across the sustainability and resilience spectrum within the Asia Pacific region and London.
Kate is highly experienced at carbon footprint assessments in line with the GHG Protocol and Science-Based Targets Corporate Standard, setting science-based targets and producing decarbonisation roadmaps. She has most recently done this for major funding bodies Sport England and UK Sport.
Kate enjoys delving beyond the technical aspects into the social and cultural elements of holistic sustainability, such as community involvement and inclusion. She prides herself on being a collaborative team player with genuine and empathetic communication and engagement.
In 2019, Kate was awarded ‘Future Thinker of the Year’ by the NZGBC, represented New Zealand at the Young Woman Scientist Event in Korea through Korean Women in Science and Engineering and Engineering New Zealand, and in 2020 was recognised in the University of Auckland’s annual list of ‘40 Under 40 Inspiring Young Alumni’.