Following our appointment to develop the overarching sustainability vision and comprehensive regeneration for Birkenhead as part of the Birkenhead Design Guide, we have continued working with Maccreanor Lavington on the Dock Branch Neighbourhood Masterplan.
Off the back of investment in a new linear park which focuses on the area around the Dock Branch railway line, the Masterplan sets out opportunities to foster existing businesses, create new homes, and attract industries into the area, highlighting the area’s future potential as a revitalised new neighborhood.
Delivering inclusive growth
As one of nine catalyst projects forming a key part of the Birkenhead 2040 Framework, we worked in close collaboration with key local stakeholders to ‘unroll the doughnut’, identifying options to meet local and global social and environmental needs.
This includes outlining ideas for how existing buildings can be kept and better used, improved landscaping put in place, and the creation of more affordable and safe places to live.
The emerging Masterplan balances retention and growth of existing assets and businesses alongside new development to ensure that the regeneration works for all, delivering inclusive growth.